Recent Books
The Norton Field Guide to Speaking
This is my recent book. It is a very practical and readable guide to making effective oral presentations. It is a highly interactive book available both in hard copy and as an electronic textbook.
CMS 306M: Introduction to Professional Communication Skills, 9th Edition
This is the 9th edition of an undergraduate level introductory communication studies book. It covers both public speaking skills as well as core skills related to communicating in any professional setting, like audience analysis, overcoming speech anxiety, and effective listening. It is available as an electronic textbook.
The SAGE Handbook of Interpersonal Communication
This is a graduate level book summarizing research on interpersonal communication. Designed for MA and PhD students studying in the field. Chapters are authored by scholars in the discipline.
Advocacy: Championing Ideas and Influencing Others
This is my favorite book. It addresses how people can successfully get buy-in for their ideas. A practical book drawn from research - chapters focus on topics such as communication effectiveness, reputation management, networking, message framing, narrative skills, timing, pre-selling, persuasion, confidence, and influence in meetings, among others. Reviews are available on Amazon. It has been translated into Mandarin and French.